Museum of "Florence as it was"
Museo Storico Topografico di Firenze com'era

The so-called Carta della Catena
Florence in the 15th century



The museum, located since 1956 in the former convent of the Oblate Sisters, exhibits plans, paintings, etchings or prints that document the history and the appearance of Florence from its origins down to the period in which the town became capital of Italy. One of the most important and extraordinary documents is the so-called "della catena" plan, a perfect l9th reproduction of the late 15th century original preserved in the Friedrich Museum of Berlin. The other sections exhibit oil and tempera paintings representing historical events and typical scenes of the eighteenth and ninetecnth centuries.

It is worth stopping to take a close look at the large lunettes by Giusto Utens (1599), dedicated to the main Medici villas, and at the very famous collection of etchings by Giuseppe Zocchi (1744), dedicated to Florentine churches, palaces and villas. Also worth a visit are the etchings by Telemaco Signorini (1835-1901).

A section of the museum is reserved to the works of Giuseppe Poggi (1811-1901), the Florentine architect and town planner, and to his drawings and projects for the enlargement and transformation of the town after 1865.

Hall of the museum
Hall of the museum
The lunettes of the 14 villas of the Medici family
Most by Justus Utens
Click to enlarge
The keys of the doors of the city walls of Florence:
Porta San Frediano, Porta San Gallo, Porta Romana
Keys of a door of the ancient walls
(Porta San Gallo)
View of Ponte Vecchio
c. 1800
(Drawings and etchings)
Chiasso dei Limonai
Nino della Gatta
Via del Guanto
Nino della Gatta
Closed lane in Piazza St. Remigio
Nino della Gatta
Closed lane in Piazza degli Alberighi
Nino della Gatta
Chiasso del Buco
A. Marrani
Via dei Lontanmorti
Nino della Gatta
Vicolo del Campidoglio
Nino della Gatta
Vicolo del Campidoglio
Nino della Gatta
Via delle Carrozze
Nino della Gatta
Via delle Ceste
A. Marrani
Vicolo dei Ricchi
Nino della Gatta
Via de Giudei
Nino della Gatta
Vicolo dell'Oro
Procession in Piazza del Duomo
Giuseppe Moricci
Florence, mid-19th century
Via dei Benci during the flood of 1844
The walls of Florence in the 18th century
Hidden Italy * Bettina Röhrig * Logebachstr. 5 * D-53639 Königswinter * Germany